Formulář ochrany osobních údajů

V Arval Trading jsme velmi opatrní, abychom respektovali důvěrnost informací údaje, které shromažďujeme, zpracováváme a uchováváme.

Zveme vás proto, abyste se o našich zásadách dozvěděli více v oznámení o ochraně údajů.

V případě jakékoli další žádosti vyplňte prosím níže uvedený formulář.

An answer will be given to you within 30 days once we have received your request. In the meantime, if needed, we might contact you to develop your request.

Odpověď vám bude zaslána do 30 dnů od obdržení vaší žádosti. Mezitím, bude-li to nutné, vás můžeme kontaktovat a vypracovat vaši žádost
Děkujeme za důvěru a pochopení.
Tým Arval Trading

I am
I demand to apply my rights on these following fields (select the concerned option(s))*

The data related subject has the right to obtain confirmation from the controller that his or her personal data are or are not being processed and, when they are, he / she has the right to obtain access to such data as well as to certain additional information provided form the Article 15 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free circulation of these data ". This right also includes the right to obtain a copy of the data that is being processed.

The data subject has the right to request the data controller to delete his / her data as soon as possible to the extent that the request is made for a special reason ( loss of purpose, illegal collection, withdrawal of consent etc).

The data subject has the right to ask the data controller that his data be rectified or completed when they are inaccurate, incomplete or incorrect, and as soon as possible.

or drag and drop files here
Pouze jeden soubor.
Limit 32 MB.
Povolené formáty: jpg, png, jpeg, pdf, doc.

Data protection Notice

To exercise your rights in accordance with the General Regulations on Data Protection and more generally to French regulations, we offer various options including the form above. You can also send us your request by e-mail to
Or write us at Arval Trading – Service du Délégué à la Protection des Données, Parc d’activités La Ravoire, 74370 Metz-Tessy

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